Hannibal of Carthage and Scipio Aficanus of Rome were opponents in the 2nd ____ War. *Marginal The Soviet Union was totally excluded from Pacific strategy talks until the ______ conference.
*Punic The Aerospace school of strategy believed that the main area of East-West confrontation would be across the _____ Ocean. *Potsdam
Karl von Clausewitz wrote the most influential book on strategy ever published, "On ___" *Arctic In 1949, Communist forces came into power in what country?
*War German tactic of using tanks and aircraft to spearhead an offensive push. *China
The ________ school of strategy was first developed by Alfred Thayer Mahan. *Blitzkrieg The Soviet Union waited until one week before the end of WWII to invade what country?
*Maritime General Billy Mitchell proved aircraft could be used against ships when his aircraft sank several surplus ____________. *Japan
In the Continental School of strategy, the continent of Eurasia is called the "_______ Crescent". *Battleships

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