The Navy's strategic ballistic missile submarines. Navy Fleet headquartered in Bahrain. The first nuclear-powered submarine was the USS ________. World War I invention that could tell the direction of a submerged submarine.
*Trident *Fifth *Nautilus *Hydrophone
Category of naval ships that includes amphibious warfare ships. An attack meant to destroy an objective. The first U.S. Navy ballistic missile. U.S. Submarine hull design name.
*Combatant *Strike *Polaris *Albacore
Naval vessels such as tugs and ferries are what type of craft? A sudden destructive attack against a limited area. Underwater sound ranging system invented during WWII. Navy long-range surface-to-surface missile.
*Service *Raid *Sonar *Tomahawk
Location of our Navy's Second Fleet Headquarters. Primary type of plane involved in air-to-air warfare. Task Forces made upof two or more Services.
*Norfolk *Fighter *Joint

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