Shipboard watches are normally _____ hours long. Underway, the Officer of the Deck is located on the ______. The _______ steers courses ordered by the Conning Officer.
Early-evening watches that are two hours long are called __________. The Petty Officer in charge of the topside watch is the ________ Mate of the Watch. The _____ Steering Watch is stationed in the after part of the ship.
Watches are normally changed about _______minutes before the exact time. _______ inspect and report on the ship's navigational lights every half-hour at night. The anchor, anchor chain, and related equipment is called Ground "_________".
The ________ Duty Officer represents the CO when he or she is off the ship. The _______ Watch enables fast recovery of any person who falls overboard. The barracks ________ watch is maintained in all barracks for protection against fire.

Created by Randy Laws with Word Splash Pro