There are 2 main sets of nautical rules: U.S. inland rules and the _________ rules. Under inland rules, a whistle is a signal of _________ only. A powered vessel must keep to the _______ side of a narrow channel.
Abbreviation for The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. Number of whistle blasts made to indicate "My engines are going astern." International rule radiotelephone distress signal.
The white light at the fore part of the ship is the ________ light. When 2 vessels are approaching in a ______ situation, both are considered give-way vessels. International rule smoke signal color used to indicate distress.
A red light that must be displayed on the port side of the ship underway is called the port __________. Type of situation where the power vessel, having the other vessel to starboard, is the give-way vessel. International flaghoist signal used to indicate distress is __________ Charlie.

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